Wednesday, July 31, 2019

An experience that changed my life Essay

Everyone has experience in their life. These experiences could be the incidents which has happened in someone else life or in our life. Some people learn lesson from their experiences and some experiences change the people’s life automatically. The topic I selected is about a tragic experience that happened in my life, during my early twenties. I was working for one of the largest retail companies in America which has over than 1,916 stores nationwide. Newly hired in the store, makes me strive to be recognized, famous, awarded and the best employee in it. My new job took priority over my family, and led me to leave my responsibilities as a sister, aunt and a daughter behind. Then, one day I was injured on my shift so badly that I had to stay home sick for three months. This accident changed my view towards lifestyle, work and family. Experiences are various lessons which affect a person’s life positively or negatively. It depends on how each individual’s experience affects their view of life because experience is the best teaching resource in a person’s life. Not each person has parents, friends, or teachers to learn from; but each one has his personal experience. My bad experience led to a positive outcome. The purpose is to give a wise experience to the reader from my own experience. The audience for this essay are: instructors, students, parents, teachers and workers. The method that will be used is descriptive. The essay will describe the high expectation of living in America with the professional idealism towards family orientation. Read more:Â  Books That Changed My Life

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gerald graff pop culture in academics Essay

In Gerald Graff’s â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism,† Graff argues that schools should encourage students to think critically, read, and write about areas of personal interest such as cars, fashion, or music but as long as they do so in an intellectually way. I happen to agree with Graff and his perspective for many different reasons. I personally believe that students should be giving the opportunity to engage intellectually with pop cultural topics that interest them and get to apply their â€Å"street smarts† to their academic work. Teenagers can also relate to what’s going on in their own lives with the pop culture world. Sometimes it’s hard for teenagers to understand a certain topic but if teachers can explain it to them in a way that they can understand using pop culture, teachers should be allowed to do so. Pop culture should be allowed in the classroom as long as it’s used in an educational way and can help students learning. Graff talks a lot about â€Å"street smarts† in his essay. We all know someone who is â€Å"street smart† but they just don’t do to well in school and are unable to do well in academics. Some people may feel that it’s a waste of intelligence and knowing so much about life isn’t going to help you academically. Graff feels that it’s not those students fault and those students can be helped. He states that â€Å"What doesn’t occur to us, though, is that schools and colleges might be at fault for missing the opportunity to tap into such street smarts and channel them into good Gonzalez 2 academic work† (pg. 380). Meaning schools and colleges should be held accountable for not being able to help those street smart teenagers and help turn their knowledge of life into academic work. Teachers should help these students learn how to understand the academics their teaching them with examples of the street smart knowledge they already obtain. Personally, I feel that street smarts beat out book smarts in today’s world. Street smarts is something that’s real knowledge to me and can help someone in the future unlike book smarts where everything feels unreal. Graff’s speaks of his own experience in school and how he felt he was the typical teenage anti-intellectual. All throughout high school Graff hated reading and books. The only thing he truly cared for was sports, and the only reading he did was reading sports magazines. Graff says â€Å"I have recently come to think, however, that my preference for sports over schoolwork was not anti- intellectualism so much as intellectualism by other means† (pg. 382). What Graff is saying here is just because he had rather choose sports over schoolwork doesn’t make him unintelligent it makes him smart but in a different way. I can personally agree with Graff. I’m not very interested in academic work but I grew up watching sports. Sports are full of challenging debates, arguments, analysis, and statistics. You can debate which team is better so why not use that same tactic but a different topic. I remember being in class not doing my work and talking about football or basketball. If a teacher was to explain reading or writing to me with using sports as an example I probably would’ve understood what they were saying and succeed in school. Have teenagers analysis sports topic and have them relate to them and see if they agree or disagree with that sport topic. Schools should create debates or arguments that teenagers can relate to. It will get teens to feel more involved and they might actually engage in the Gonzalez 3 conversation. We should be able to incorporate sport topics in school because not many students find educational topics very understanding or interesting. Teachers can easily use sports as a topic in every classroom discussion. Music in pop culture today has such a big influence on students. Everyone listens to at least some type of music any chance of the day they get. One of the main influences is hip hop music. Hip hop is all over the radios and you can find it in at least the majority of student’s phone players, iPod, or even CDs. Music has a huge influence on myself, personally. Music helps me concentrate and even helps me learn academic material better. It even helps my mind grow and develop better. Music actually improves communication between the right and left sides of the brain, allowing you to gain better comprehension and memorization skills which develop your brain to a higher level. Music has so much to do with metaphors and understanding lyrics and truly understanding the meaning of a song. It even helps to improve reading and comprehensive skills. Take Tupac Shakur for instance, his rap music has such meaningful metaphors which should be used in the classroom because they can truly help teenagers understand the meaning of a metaphor and students will actually be interested in the topic. Music is such a complex language that even incorporates mathematics, science, history, physical education,  ­coordination, and even mental ability. Most teenagers find hip hop artist like Tupac interesting because they can relate to Tupac’s music about daily life struggles about gangs, drugs and growing up in the â€Å"ghetto†. Since teenagers go through these struggles we should help give them something to relate to so they can know the real world isn’t perfect and a lot of people can be going through the same struggles as you. Gonzalez 4 Most people will disagree with the fact that schools should allow pop culture influences in education. That schools are made for learning academics and nothing else, like pop culture, should influence anything not academic. An argument could be that pop culture is a bad influence and can send the wrong message to teenagers. For instance that sports can send the message of promoting violence and that teenagers should stick to their own personal friends and not communicate with other groups of people. It can cause tension in the classrooms over debates because not everyone has the same opinion about a certain team. Or the simple fact that not everyone is interested in sports or have knowledge of sports and they don’t want teenagers to feel as if they don’t fit in. A lot of people will have negative comments about music in education and academics. Most will argue that music send the wrong message to teens. Some can even say rap music like Tupac exploits women and uses vulgar language. It promotes violence and criminal like activity. Which in some rap music and even Tupac’s music is true. He uses extreme vulgar language and talks about the â€Å"thug life†. It even includes sexual conduct in his rapping. Some can even say hip hop music period is distracting and if we promote music in schools. Like this, it will promote teenagers to get the wrong idea about school and education. That teens will go out and join a gang, become sexually active, and do criminal like activity. Even though some teenagers have a hard life and can relate to this music we should not remind them of their personal life’s and keep everything strictly academic. In conclusion, you can see that there is a positive and negative to having pop culture in today’s education. I personally feel that there should be a connection to education which Gonzalez 5 teenagers like I should be able to be interested in as long as it’s educational. Not everyone will have the same opinion as Graff and I so there should be an option to be able to take classes which you can use pop culture in your learning process or if you want to keep it strictly educational you should be able to as well. Either way pop culture is huge to teenagers today. Everything from music, fashion, sports, TV and celebrities. Teenager’s world revolves around pop culture and if we want to keep teens interested in learning we should find ways, like using pop culture, to keep them interested. Works Cited Graff, Gerald. â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism. † They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. Eds. Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russell Durst. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. , 2012. 380-87. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Animal Farm Essay Example for Free (#9)

Animal Farm Essay Animal Farm by George Orwell is an allegory written in 1943. It was also made into a TV film version in 1999 directed by John Stephenson, produced by Greg Smith and Robert Halmi and distributed by Hallmark Films. Animal Farm is a deceitfully simple story about a group of farm animals who are tired of living in a dystopia caused by humans. They rebel and create their own way of life, only to find themselves back in a dystopia caused by animals. The film follows the plot line of the novel closely but changes some major details. While the film and the novel Animal Farm are basically one in the same and have similar plot lines, the film had less detail, while the novel was thoroughly detailed. The differences between the film and the novel were points of view, exposition and major plots. Orwell tells the story of Animal Farm through a third person, omniscient point of view. The narrator is never involved in the action of the story, but knows everything. This point of view allows readers to see into the minds of the characters and understand their motivations. The film is told by a narrator, a character in the novel, Jessie. It explains the film in a way that she sees everything occurring. It also stops most of the dialogue between the animals and they don’t really talk like they do in the novel. Another difference between the novel and film is the exposition, which gives background information on the plot. In the novel, some of the events that occur in Animal Farm’s exposition play important roles later on in the novel. In the novels exposition, Orwell describes many of the animals that are important to the novel. In the films exposition, very little time is spent on developing the characters of the important animals. Also, the song Beasts of England is not sung in the exposition, unlike the novel, this song plays a very pivotal role later on in the novel. In the film, they don’t know the characters very well and the animals don’t really sing it, they hum it. This takes away from the mood of the song. The movie is merely an adaptation of the novel into film, so almost all the events that take place in the novel will take place in the film. Another difference between the novel and film is the major plot differences. The novel and film follow the same plot line but there are some major differences. In the novel, Old Major died about 3 days after his speech from natural causes. While in the film, Mr. Jones shoots Old Major minutes after his speech, while they’re reciting the Beasts of England song. In the novel, all of the animals could speak while in the film it was arrated by Jessie which cut the dialogue of most of the animals. The end of the film and novel differ greatly. In the novel, the animals are sadly dominated by Napolean. But in the film they somehow overthrow his power and finally bond together for another attempt at a utopia. The film covered major ideas but missed some details, characters, and small stuff that made the novel so interesting. It’s quite apparent that there are many significant differences between Animal Farm the novel and the film. There are a number of differences between the use of point of view, the exposition, and the major plots. Animal Farm is a simple story about a group of farm animals who overthrew their human dictators and their animal counterpart who dictated them also. The novel was very detailed and had many characters which made it very interesting. While the film had less details, and characters which made it a little dull, and boring. These are my comparisons of the film and novel called Animal Farm. Animal Farm. (2017, Feb 02). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Two articles that are influential in the field of Organizational Article

Two articles that are influential in the field of Organizational Development - Article Example Furthermore, the authors indicate that those organizations that can develop a sense of learning within their respective units are the most likely to maintain a degree of success over the long term. The article itself was salient to the subject matter it discussed. However, the authors did not spend a great deal of time discussing how organizational policies that can affect the cultural exchange mechanisms can and should be instituted in order to achieve the highest levels of results. As such, the article lost a bit of its legitimacy with attempting to define and categorize such a process. Courvisanos, J., Tuck, J., McEachern, S., & National Centre for Vocational Education, R. (2012). Building the Capacity to Innovate: The Role of Human Capital. Research Report. National Centre For Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Similarly, the second article that has been chosen seeks to understand the ways in which an organization can actively support/foster and grow its innovative powers. The authors note that due to the fact that the marketplace is changing at such a rapid rate, it is necessary for organizations to react to this by seeking to differentiate the means by which they encourage innovation within their respective units. The authors do not commit to laying out a framework by which innovation itself can be encouraged; rather, they seek to lay out a series of conditions that firms should first consider with reference to how they intend on growing, expanding, and differentiating themselves. The article’s main drawback is concentric upon the fact that it does not lay out a specific framework for how innovation can be ultimately encouraged. Although it is clear why this has not been done from the analysis they performed as well as the explanations they gave, the reader is left to wonder if it would not be slightly more simple to merely lay out a basic framework for ways in which

Teachings of Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Teachings of Islam - Research Paper Example Islam is just another monotheistic religion like Judaism and Christianity and like them preaches the oneness of God whom the Muslims call Allah. There are differences present in the practices but Islam in originality is a peaceful religion and it is the practice of the few which has gotten it labeled as a terrorist, violent or extremist religion. The basic beliefs and tenets of Islam The main belief of Islam lies in monotheism. Islam's fundamental belief is that God is one and Mohammad is His messenger. This belief can be elaborated by believing that God is one and supreme, unique, all encompassing and powerful. The second belief lies in the prophet hood of prophet Mohammad who initiated the religion in 610 A.D. Their belief relative to prophets is that prophets are human being sent for the guidance and showing the right path. Also that out of many prophets sent by God Mohammad is the last prophet. Thus Islam acknowledges the presence and the prophet hood of Jew and Christian prophet s like Jesus, Moses etc and their names are mentioned in the holy book of Muslims, the Quran. The third belief of Islam states that God sent Holy books of which Quran is meant to be for eternal guidance and all other books are negated by the revelation of Quran. The fourth belief lies in angels who are pure non-human beings performing divine jobs and the last belief lies in resurrection and the day of judgment. This day of judgment, according to Muslim beliefs will be the day when all actions will be weighed and decision regarding heavens or hell will be made. (Alhoda, 2001) There are five basic tenets of Islam of which the first and the foremost is belief in God with all his attributes and attributing no other partners with him. The second is saying prayers five times a day and men gathering in the mosque for Friday afternoon prayers. The third is fasting from dawn to duck in the Holy month of Ramadan (Muslims follow the lunar calendar) and the fourth is giving a fixed percentage o f wealth in the path of God to the poor and the needy. The last is performing pilgrimage to Mecca once in the lifetime for all those who can afford to do so. (Devera) Islam and Muslims in the U.S Muslims entered the United States as Moriscoes who accompanied Columbus when the continent was first discovered. These were followed by slaves who were brought to work in the US and the waves of migrations increased the number of Muslims (Kabourra). In the U.S. today there are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States out of which African-Americans are predominant. It is the fastest growing faith in the United States (A brief history of islam in the United states) and mosques, Islamic centers and Islamic schools are found in every Muslim community. Regional and national conferences of Muslims are held and issues of common concern are streamlined. Muslims in the USA are allowed to freely practice their religion and MSA's (Muslim Students Association) are present and active in all coll eges and universities. A survey reports that there are 1000 mosques, 400 Islamic schools, 400 associations and over 80 Islamic publications in the US. (A brief history of islam in the United states). Thus Muslims in the United States can practice their religion more freely than a few Islamic countries for example like Turkey where the headscarf is banned or like Egypt or Morocco where being extremely devout is often

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Identification - Essay Example This has been reinforced by the fact that some nations that are non-democratic have managed to achieve impressive economic production. Fascism has been successful in a number of countries including Germany as well as Italy and Japan. It is even believed that what is needed to fix the problems facing the world today is; the availability of more information and the systematical analysis of that information. It is even argued that a dictator would help solve the various problems facing the world today by simply applying analysis. This would however require that democratic interferences and tradeoffs not to be applied (Ingram 3). Those who champion such arguments have gone to ask why smart people with the freedom to do what is right under democratic governments have not been able to solve the problems facing us. According to them, what is needed more are resources to do policy analysis. This stand is definitely miss -placed if not totally misguided as the people fronting it because there are so many policy analyses that have been done and are available by both governments and international agencies that are responsible for various sectors. The issue is not little information or lack of policy analysis as thought or fronted in Die Welle, but the problem is the opposite; there is too much information that it is overwhelming to make a policy choice unilaterally. With no clear and universally accepted criterion in place to make those whose interests are not catered for to accept policy that has been made by analysis, it is hard to implement these policies and solve the problems. If this is the problem that dictatorship is supposed to solve then Die Welle is a big joke. Have they considered the civil unrest, the violent opposition and confrontations? Also, no government has the resources to allot to extensive policy analysis (Ingram 8). And, if even if a dictator does this, he or she would in turn affect other operations of government there by creating a whole new probl em while trying to solve one. Furthermore, there has never been a single definition of all problems so that a policy analysis can handle all of them. In addition, there are limitations when it comes to policy making in an analytical manner because it is always fallible, costly, lacking the ability to conclusively resolve conflicts in terms of value and interests. It is therefore impossible to substitute politics with analysis as depicted in Die welle. It is however possible to improve policy making by increasing information and analysis but politics cannot be removed (Ingram 32). This authoritarian myth of Die welle is a misguided one that should not be supported because even states that are not democratic still rely on consent from members of their societies to a certain level. Even if it through coercion as in the case of Hitler in Germany. Federal Systems Federalism is a departure if not a rejection of majoritarian democracy as defined by its principal features or as depicted in the Westminster democracy model (Lijpart 3). Non-mojoritarian democracy is also referred to consensus democracy and can be further divided into federalism and consociationalism. While the two forms of non-majoritatrian democracy do not coincide, they always overlap to an extent that is significant. Also, it is important to note that they cover such areas such as balance when it comes to legislative relations, sharing of executive power, representation that is proportional,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Suicide as an Ideation, Gestures or Threats Essay

Suicide as an Ideation, Gestures or Threats - Essay Example Accordingly, one of the most common psychiatric disorders associated with suicide is major depression (Gliatto & Ria, 1999) and suicide among the elderly is likely to happen in the context of a depressive episode. Depression is identified as one of the most powerful independent risk factor associated with suicide in old age (Connor et. al., 2011) and is known to increase the risk of suicide by 15 to 20 times (Hawton, 2009). Furthermore, it has been found that depression rates are higher among women than in men, which is congruous with the case study. Other psychiatric conditions associated with suicide are substance abuse, schizophrenia and psychotic disorders. Research suggests that genetic factors are highly related to a particular person risk for committing suicide. According to Reiss and Dombeck (2007), The offspring of individuals who have attempted and completed suicides have an increased likelihood to commit the same behavior themselves. Therefore, suicide â€Å"runs† in the family. In addition, it has been found that dysregulation of the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis (mechanism responsible for coping with stresses over time) can develop following traumatic events or chronic stress, and has been linked to severe depression and suicidal behavior (Reiss & Dombeck, 2007). This supports the large body of evidence that dysfunctional neurotrophic signaling might be involved in the pathophysiology of suicidal behavior. The prevalence of illnesses later in life contributes to the common assumption that the occurrence of physical ailments plays a significant role in suicide risk later in life. According to Hawton and Heeringen (2009), poor physical health and disabilities are associated with suicides. Suicide is consistently associated with social factors and age-related life events especially among the elderly. Lack of supportive social network and religious participation as well as family disputes, low level of education, financial difficulties and sense of loneliness greatly increases the risk for suicide (Connor, et. al 2011).

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Digital tools and effective strategies for taking notes and for Research Paper

Digital tools and effective strategies for taking notes and for learning content - Research Paper Example These tools include mobile phones, games based on knowledge among other software, programming, tablets, laptops, desktops, computers, applications, voice and video recorders, televisions, radios, and online learning. Additionally, the internet as at large which has different dockets for example the social media, Wikipedia and many more digital tools (Di, 2014). There are several applications that are downloaded on our mobile phones, computers, laptops, desktops which have functions both for note taking and content learning. Google notebook is a good example of a web-based note taking application. The Google application includes a labeling, a rich-text editor and Google bookmarks (Di, 2014). Evernote is another application that is suitable for note taking. Evernote is a cross-platform worldwide seizure application which is free. Evernote has a support for text, images, tagging, audio. This mobile application offers seamless capturing of information (Di, 2014). The internet and the social media is a good digital source of content learning. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are some of the social media networks that are good sources of information. The social media are a platform of informing people of the current trends in the world. YouTube and for example Google are a good sources of learning information too. Both voice and video recorders are important ways of taking information and also a good storage source. These types of information from the recorders are always firsthand information and are not altered (John, 2008). Snap chat and screenshots are another ways of notes keeping that are used by many people currently. Screenshots are taken from mobile phones and are a very fast way to keep the information learnt for future references. Games for both mobile and computer are an excellent way of learning that was discovered recently. Games promote conceptual understanding. For example the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sandra Esther Scott, New York City Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sandra Esther Scott, New York City - Essay Example I am enthusiastic to achieve further professional development. For my future enhancement, I am looking to inculcate skills that will help me in future growth-oriented professional life and also in achieving the desired objectives of life. I am looking forward to developing my career in the Administrative Department and to achieve a higher position. I am willing to grow within the framework of the organization by developing skills which will not only provide a boost to my professional life but also will lead me to a position where I want to see myself within the next few years (the University of Virginia, â€Å"Career Objective Recommended Reading†). I use my scientific and human relation skills as a manager of the New York Office Administrative Department to manage all the affairs internally as well as externally to build positive relations with the clients and co-workers. I ensure the smooth running of operations in the office. I also manage a wide variety of responsibilities irrespective of the work being small or large in the organization. I have the negotiation skills and the aptitude to scrutinize and supervise work performed by other personnel with the intention of it being accomplished on time, within the financial plan and also meeting high excellence standards. I am well versed with the technical aspects in the office and am familiar with various computer software packages as it helps in better result oriented presentation and written proposals. I have acquired a strong written communication skill with effective oral communication skill that helps to cooperate and interact with several diverse individuals in a professional manner (Domkowski, & Saunders, â€Å"Creating a Career Objective†). Presently I am working with Equity Trades Investment Bank as a manager in New York Office Administrative Department with all the responsibilities as a manager.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Where do you stand on the question of women in math and science Essay

Where do you stand on the question of women in math and science - Essay Example The point is, both gender has the same cognitive ability and aptitude. These abilities however can only be similar under normal conditions and without the intervention and threat of gender stereotype. The gap in academic performance will appear once the threat prejudice is applied and this persists in the professional life assuming that the female student was able to overcome the threat stereotype condition in the academe. In the essay "Women in Math and Science" of the book Writing Arguments -A Rhetoric with Readings, it showed how powerful prejudice and stereotype threat condition is in debilitating the capability of a person. In fact a study showed that even men are vulnerable to it. In a controlled condition conducted, two sets of white Caucasian men were asked to take an exam in math. The other set was subjected to stereotype threat condition that Asian are better than them in math while the other set took their test regularly. The result showed that Caucasian men who were subje cted to the prejudice of stereotype threat performed less than the other group who were not subjected to the same prejudice. Of course the group who underperformed is not less tough or less than bright than the other group but only showed how stereotype threat can undermine one’s ability. ... In fact, the cases among women are quite strange. Despite incidence of women who are performing well in school particularly in math and science, there are still fewer of them who are in the field of engineering and science. As I write this paper, I cannot recall anybody who is a popular female engineer, a scientist, or an astronaut. Apparently, prejudice still haunts them beyond school. That even if they managed to overcome the threat of stereotype in the academe, the prejudice still exists against them along the way when they are charting their career path. Somehow somewhere, this gender stereotype is still sabotaging them to land in a profession that is heavy in math and science because they are women. The sorry thing about this phenomenon is not that the threat stereotype condition can still hinder women in realizing their potential and contributing fully to society but rather, on our failure as a society to optimize the capability to contribute to the general good of society and to themselves. It may be subtler now and not as overt during the Middle Ages but it still exist. We can only glean from the evidence of women’s lack or non-participation in professions they are very much capable of but are excluded by the stereotype of male domination. In fact, the women’s challenge in dealing with subjects that relates to math and science is twice as much as men. First, she has to overcome the prejudice of gender stereotype which is known to effectively debilitate women’s ability to perform according to her potential. And if she is able to overcome it, the profession that she intends to practice her ability limits her option because she is a woman. Yet, despite this prejudice against her gender, she could even be still considered lucky because she is in

Pacifist Philosophy in Response to the Idea of War Essay Example for Free

Pacifist Philosophy in Response to the Idea of War Essay There are a variety of different philosophical interpretations of the idea of war, even what it means to be at war. Engaging in war is generally described as being the resort to violence in order to attain political ends. War is described by some as being a tyrannical crime, in that power hungry individuals lose sight of their morals and resort to unethical violence committed against others (Walzer, 2006). From this perspective, one notes the assertion that there is never a good reason to engage in such brutal behavior as to harm another individual. However, there are supposed potential weaknesses in this theory, due to the fact that nonviolence at all costs can be viewed as a complete lack of self defense (White, 2008). In any regard, the pacifist philosophy holds that there is never a good reason to engage in combat with other people, that true solutions are found solely through peaceful means. In light of the pacifist ideology, the idea of war has no place, even in the face impending and actual violence, and the best route in the face of danger is to resist participating in the cruelty. It is not always easy to attempt to manage a violent situation in peaceful ways, non-harmful ways, yet there are a myriad of creative ways to address the problem of violent people, ways which do not support aggressive thoughts and actions. In order to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the pacifist position, it is essential to engage in comprehensive research and thought about the meaning of peace at all costs. Pacifism The principle ideas which serve as the conceptual framework of the pacifist movement center on the assertion that war is dictatorial cruelty derived from evil thoughts and actions and that peaceful behaviors are the only way in which to effectively diffuse this brutality. Practical pacifism affirms that resorting to violence is not the answer to the problem of violence in the world, that violence should be absolutely avoided and peaceful means of solution oriented action should be taken (Fiala, 2004). In other words, there is the example of the country who supports the death penalty as a means of supposed just punishment for people accused of the crime of murder. From a pacifist perspective, the idea of using violence as a means to eradicate violence is simply unreasonable and points to an illogical frame of thought and action. The pacifist would be likely to condone a means of arrest and rehabilitation rather than arrest and kill. The idea of peaceful interventions is paramount and supercedes all options deemed to be harmful to people. On a more personal level, one can take the interaction between and husband and wife or mother and child. When a person becomes angry enough to yell or hit, then the answer is not to yell or hit back in response, but rather to be calm and communicate with the other person in figuring out a solution. This kind of civilized action and communication can go a long way in ensuring that the violence does not continue, and this kind of civilized communication and action is able to be successfully translated to the public and political sphere as well. Strengths There are many strengths of the pacifist movement, in that the people who support peace at all costs are able to devise a great many solutions to violence which are centered on ensuring the absolute safety and wellbeing of all people. It is important to consider the ideas generated by pacifists, as they directly speak to the absolute moral concept of non-harm. Jesus Christ himself is quoted as saying, â€Å"You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth,’ but I say to you, ‘Do not resist one who is evil; but if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also’†, described as one of the most revolutionary sermons he ever gave (Ellens, 2007). This powerful commentary demands that people utilize the supremacy of restraint when faced with violence, even at a time, like today, when major religions condone the use of brutality. There is not one major religion in the world which absolutely forbids the use of violence, to the detriment of all people in the world. There is not one country which expressly forbids the act of war and supports the command for love, the command to offer one’s cheek to one’s aggressor. With all of the available options for peace, including communication, protest, boycotting, arrest, and rehabilitation, there is a known and certain positive effect which can be produced through the use of more gentle modes of action than violence. The media today is full of popular artists who tout violence as a masculine or commanding way of settling a score. However, when a person resorts to violence in an attempt to eradicate violence, the end result is simply another person who is drawn into the problem itself. The only way to end the violence in the world is by commitment to faith in the inherent goodness of humanity, to staunchly support the idea that solutions can be found which do not cause harm to other people. Criminality is basically defined as causing harm, and it makes no sense to become a criminal in the desire to ensure justice. Weaknesses There are those people who claim that there are weaknesses in the pacifist philosophy, that absolute peace defies the need to defend oneself from harm. People who do not support absolute pacifism claim that one of the only ways to address the problem of rogue states is to resort to war (Jacobson, 2007). Engaging in the violence of war is supposedly justified as an unfortunate effect of having no other option but to defend oneself and one’s country from the violent actions of others. To some people, pacifism may seem to be weak. In response to an event such as the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, many people believed that the best solution was to violently enter into the home countries of the terrorists and to take over through the use of brutal force. To some people, there are terrorists, offenders, on one side of the war, and defenders on the other. From this perspective, there are two teams in the war game, certain people who are committing evil and need to be stopped at all costs, even through harm and loss of life, and people who are engaged in righteous self defense. This philosophical viewpoint stems from a bipolar system, where some people are engaging in violence for bad reasons and some people for good reasons. This simple yet convoluted way of thinking is highly selfish and negative, in that one person, or one team, is the victim, the oppressed, the suffering agent, the other person or team is the tyrant, the oppressor, the harmful agent. In this mode of judgment, there is only one guilty party, and the guilty are deserving of cruel punishment. However, the essential problem is always the same, in that there is supposedly never a good reason to cause harm to another person. Although the determination for war may be convenient, especially when people are actively engaged in the violent activity, there is still the basic problem of violence as a moral problem rather than a solution. Dividing couples, families, societies, countries, and political systems into warring teams of bad versus good does little to solve the core issues of the criminality of causing harm to others. Rebuttal Although some people believe that the pacifist ideology is weak and perhaps even a pathetic mode of political action, a powerful case can be made in support of peaceful decision making, decisions which are strong and influential while also being relatively calm and diplomatic. There is no government which has successfully demilitarized their country, no political system which has shifted to a purely diplomatic strategy for achieving peaceful end results (Djerejian, 2007). Due to the fact that all countries in the world are suffering from some form of violence, the case can certainly be made that policies which promote violence simply encourage the violent behaviors of citizens. What a different world this would be if the response to an attack was to demilitarize a region, to offer one’s cheek. What an interesting phenomena it would be to witness a region where guns were systematically removed from all persons, homes, and cars, even if it meant being shot in the process. Although an initial, primal, or habitual response to an attack is to harm one’s attacker, there is the ever present possibility of changing one’s response, to commit to the idea of peaceably reacting in the face of impending danger. When a child is hitting a parent, often the best reaction is to let a child hit until the child realizes that the parent is not going to hit back, to allow the child to realize that the parent is totally loving and totally dependable. Conclusion The political solution for all policy making is always going to be a peaceful solution, whether politicians realize it or not. The leaders of the world are going to be the ones who quietly offer their cheek, who are committed to helping their neighbors, even when these neighbors are seeking revenge. It takes a smart person to realize that one is participating in an immorally violent society, and it takes an even smarter person to realize that one is responsible for being an agent of change in support of pacifism. There are very few truly innocent people out there, if any, no countries which are politically perfect. From this perspective, people need to humble themselves in the face of their neighbors, to be aware of the shameful past and current atrocities being committed by governments across the globe, and to resolutely stand for the implementation of peaceful solutions. Policies can only be effectively changed by people who are committed activists in the name of peace, and these activists are the leaders of the world, pacifists in the name of the goodness of humanity. References Djerejian, E. (2007). Changing Minds, Winning Peace: A New Strategic Direction for U. S. Public Diplomacy in the Arab Muslim World. Lulu. com. Ellens, H. (2007). The destructive power of religion: violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Greenwood Publishing Group. Fiala, A. (2004). Practical pacifism. Algora Publishing. Jacobson, A. (2007). Nonviolence as a Way of Knowing in the Public School Classroom. In Factis Pax 1(1), 38-54. Walzer, M. (2006). Just and unjust wars: a moral argument with historical illustrations. Basic Books. White, J. (2008). Contemporary Moral Problems. Cengage Learning.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Return of Depression Economics Essay Example for Free

The Return of Depression Economics Essay Classical economists like Smith and Ricardo often argued that economic prosperity can be best achieved if the market is left alone. They argued that the market alone is the most efficient mechanism of determining supply and demand, wages and labor supply. The market â€Å"being the invisible hand† removes sluggishness in the economy. At the beginning of the 20th century, these assumptions were attacked by neo-classical economists led by John Maynard Keynes. Keynes argued that because wages are essentially fixed in the short-run, it is possible for an economy to experience sluggishness (Keynes, 1936). This â€Å"sluggishness† causes temporary recessions, that if â€Å"untreated† may lead to depressions. The only means to treat temporary recessions is government intervention. Keynes (1936) argued that it is desirable for the government to either increase or decrease spending in order to boost the economy. This increase or decrease in spending may be facilitated by increasing or decreasing interest rates (on the expenditure side of the economy). Now, the assumptions of both classical and neo-classical economists are being attacked. Paul Krugman (a Nobel prize winner), in his book â€Å"The Return of Depression Economics,† put his main arguments against mainstream economics (Krugman, 2008). Here are some of his main points: 1) It is very possible for recession to occur even if an economy is in good shape. To illustrate this, he used the story of babysitting groups in Washington D. C. Here, couples agreed to babysit for each other. A special currency was used. Those who want to babysit would get the currency while those who do not want to babysit will give the currency. However, because the economy is in â€Å"good shape†, nobody wanted to babysit. Couples preferred going to social gatherings than babysitting. This creates a shortage of babysitters, which in effect caused the economy to experience recession. This is same case with government control of money supply. Supposing the government increases money supply in order to boost the economy, the real effect may in fact a real decline in overall production. The â€Å"good shape† of the economy may well be an enough reason for people to work less (which in the long run translates into lower economic output); 2) During economic prosperity, people usually invest their â€Å"money† to risky forms of investments. Supposing there are two sources of investments: trust funds and bank securities. Trust funds offer more returns and of course, higher risks. Bank securities are more conservative in nature (low returns and risks). During economic prosperity, trust funds usually earn more, and thus people invest in it. However, when one trust fund fails, people will usually withdraw their investment out of the system. This creates panic (confidence decreases) and the economy experiences recession; 3) And, panic can destroy wealth more easily than confidence can create it. Krugman noted that it took almost 100 years for the United States to accumulate wealth and only 5 years to destroy it (The Great Depression). In essence, a financial panic has a higher probability of occurring than a miraculous boom (due to soaring financial confidence). As Krugman noted, as more and more economies are being integrated into the world economy, the chances of experiencing recession in times of economic prosperity increases (Krugman, 2008). In short, economic prosperity may not be a bailiwick for economic certainty. References Keynes, John Maynard. 1936. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: London Publishing Company. Krugman, Paul. 2008. The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. New York: Penguin Books.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role of Technology in Travel Management

Role of Technology in Travel Management TRAVEL INDUSTRY CURRENT PRACTICES INTRODUCTION In this chapter I will take an overview of the travel industry in order to better understand the context about which I am writing. Consideration of the value of the business travel spend, the role of Travel Management Companies and the role of technology in its operation and future vision, are the relevant issues in this regard. An outline of the various managerial approaches used by private industry will help inform my analysis of travel management in the public sector and what lessons can be learnt. VALUE OF BUSINESS TRAVEL In 2013 Hermes Consultancy Management produced a white paper on ‘Corporate Travel Management in Western Europe: Opportunities and Challenges’. The research was commissioned by Amadeus (a Global Distribution Service provider) in order to better understand how organisations manage their travel activities and to identify saving opportunities for travel managers. The white paper calculated that in 2011, business travel in Western Europe amounted to almost â‚ ¬ 200 billion, concentrated in five countries: Germany, UK, France, Italy and Spain. Hermes (2013). Eleven corporations in the UK, France, Belgium, Ireland and the Netherlands took part in the research study and numerous travel mangers, executives and travellers from these companies were interviewed. The Central Statistics Office tells us that in 2011, the Irish business travel spend was â‚ ¬548 million on 698,000 business trips (CSO 2013) of that public sector travel under the Government air travel contract was : â‚ ¬5.9 million for 18,358 trips and in 2013 it increased to â‚ ¬6,972, 477 for 25,902 trips. The increase in volume can be attributed to Ireland Presidency of EU during 2013. Business travel is a substantial and growing sector with a significant travel spend. As globalisation continues apace, companies and governments will reach out to newer markets for their goods and services, at the same time as continuing to consolidate traditional markets in a challenging economic climate. Figures from the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) indicate that spending on business travel within the UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain is forecasted to climb by 6% next year, an increase which may be set to come about as a result of improvements to the global economy. Government travel is predicted to increase by 4.9% according to GBTA, who believe that the slightly lower percentage for government travel might be because governments have already successfully cut travel spend, while corporate business is enjoying an uptick as it starts and continues to hire new employees who travel. Government business in Europe accounts for 4.7% (â‚ ¬940 mil) of all business travel demand compared with 5% globally. The Director of Operations with GBTA McGavock believes that, that share is expected to increase for at least the short term. â€Å"While 2012 was a difficult year, by the end of 2013 we predict an upturn, and in 2014 we believe we will see extensive growth. The next five years should see a bounce back in business travel among all of Western Europe’s major markets.† The European Commission predicts that the 27 countries it represents will emerge from recession in the fourth quarter of 2013, with its overall economy growing by 1.4% in 2014, Eurostat (2012). Accompanying this growth will be an increasing requirement for corporate travel and this expansion will require robust and innovative management in order to control costs and spend. TRAVEL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES Travel Management Companies are the medium through which organisations use to implement and manage their business travel requirements. They should not be confused with the work of a traditional Travel Agency which provides travel to the leisure traveller on behalf of suppliers, airline, hotel, car hire companies. Most travel agencies have a separate department that deals with business travel, and some travel agencies specialise in commercial and business travel only. This department would trade as a travel management company and implement the organisations travel policy. They procure travel on behalf of the organisation according to its policy on the class of travel permitted to fly, negotiate corporate fares/rates with airlines and hotels as well allowing the organisation use its corporate credit card to procure flights online via their online booking tool. According to the Buying Business Travel magazine (2013) the top five (5) TMC’s operating in Europe based on their European spend are: CarlsonWagonlit Travel (CWT), ( £1,157m) HRG Travel, ( £1,000m) American Express, ( £958.1m) Capital Travel and Events ( £525m) BCD, ( £480m) FCM Travel Solutions ( £428) All of the above have a presence in Ireland through either partner agreements or wholly owned. The current provider for the Irish Government travel contract is CarlsonWagonlit Travel. The previous government providers were; HRG (Club Travel) and FCM Solutions. Due to the size of the Government spend approximately â‚ ¬6 to â‚ ¬9 mil annually it is not surprising that the top TMC’s have continually competed for the business. In addition as it is a centralised contract, a large sized company would be required to deal with the volume of transactions generated by Irish Government travel. Each of these companies use a global distribution system (GDS) which provides a network whereby TMC’s can access fares from the various airline reservations systems and facilitates online transactions. This in turn provides a portal for clients of TMC’s to procure their air travel through the use of online booking tools OBT). The most popular GDS providers are, Travelport, Galil eo, Sabre and Amadeus, public sector has had access to Travelport through KDS OBT licensed by CWT and Galileo OBT licensed by HRG. ECONOMIC CLIMATE The impact of the global economic downturn has resulted in an increased emphasis on generating savings, as companies strive to operate within an ever decreasing resource envelope. This is relevant to all organisations and Travel Management Companies in particular. Economic stringency has allowed travel managers to take a more prominent role within their companies, and has made travel management, as a profession, an important element of a company’s strategic planning. According to the Global Business Travel Association (2014), travel managers have been asked to lead company-wide efforts to reduce travel costs, track relevant savings, and report them back to senior management. The knock-on effect of this to TMC’s is increased competitiveness within the travel management sector. The natural ambition of business organisations is specifically the transformation of inputs (resources) into outputs (goods or services) (Worthington Britton, 2006: 4). In the context of a TMC, th e company employs the relevant staff to carry out specialised travel advisory duties, and provides the necessary booking systems to their staff in order to maximise their input to output ratio; in the current economic climate this is becoming more and more challenging. So the drive is on in every sector to achieve greater value for money. TECHNOLOGY In Chapter 2, I looked at technology in relation to the procurement of travel; here I will examine it as it impacts on the business environment, in which TMC’s operate. In terms of external environmental factors, Thomas Davenport (2013) indicated that technological change is one of the main issues currently impacting TMC’s, with the potential of completely transforming the way in which the companies operate. Davenport ( 2013) and a number of other authors including Fred Gebhard (2013), highlighted that the travel industry is at a ‘Big Data’ crossroads, and that complex, large volume and unstructured datasets are beginning to reshape and transform the industry. Additionally, Davenport suggested that big data will require the industry to address a number of challenges, in order to unlock its potential: technological complexity; data accuracy and rights of use; business and technological alignment. At the corporate buyer level gaining access to accurate travel reporting data is a major factor in the effective management of air travel and presents opportunity to identify where savings can be achieved. This is very important for both the buyer and supplier of air travel. It is interesting to note that technological developments pose both an opportunity; and a threat to TMC’s. The opportunities for the companies may involve ensuring the company is up to date with technological advancements within the industry in order to remain competitive. Conversely, if TMC’s are slow on the uptake of embracing and implementing new technology in their organisation, they may be at a disadvantage within the business travel market. Overall, the rapid advancements in technology alone present a significant challenge to the travel industry, specifically to TMC’s. Voice BASED AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY A key writer on the travel industry, Scott Gillespie (2012) identified various technological changes which he emphasised are a ‘tipping point’ for the corporate travel industry. Some of those changes mentioned include the technological advancements of voice-based user interfaces from Apple, Google. Gillespie asserted that these new interfaces may be a threat to company policy compliance, due to the convenience of using such interfaces for travellers; which may in turn cause them to purchase travel outside of company policy direction. If the traveller does not book through the proper channels directed within company policy, there is no way for the TMC or corporation to track the traveller’s whereabouts or provide them with services in an emergency (West, 2013) In Chapter 2 we looked at ‘M’ technology and the growth of that market and its increasing importance in the procurement of air travel. CarlsonWagonlit Travel has invested in this area in its rece nt acquisition of Worldmate a leading mobile technology company. This will bear fruit in CWT’s mobile app ‘CWT TO GO’. Airlines are slowly moving towards mobile phone app technology which will replaces the requirement for printing of electronic tickets and boarding passes by using mobile phone QR code (barcode) technology to check in for flights. The ongoing evolution of technology emphasises the importance for TMC’s to keep up to date with it in the provision of procurement systems for clients which are not only economical, efficient and effective but contemporary and convenient to use. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) The concept that organisations should be held accountable for the effects of their actions on people, their communities and the environment is known as CSR. There are many aspects of CSR which impact on the travel industry and consequently their end users. There are increasing concerns for rising carbon emissions; this coupled with rising costs naturally leads organisations to seek alternatives to air travel. These alternatives include video conferencing and webinars, however, it has been emphasised that face-to-face meetings still remain an important aspect of business negotiations (Forbes, 2009). This affects the competitive environment of TMC’s, since a threat of a substitute method to conduct meetings is available. Travel Management companies need to maintain their relevance in a rapidly changing business environment. And Government travel needs to be particularly vigilant as penalties are imposed on increasing carbon emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. MODELS OF TRAVEL MANAGEMENT It is not feasible to produce a definitive list of air travel procurement models, but in general they fall under the following categories; INHOUSE CENTRALISED MODEL TMC; This model is one where all travel is procured from a centralised office within the company in association with a TMC, who provides online and offline bookings. This model allows greater control over travel policy and spends and is used by both private and public sector. Business travelers would feel this model is too restrictive and doesn’t allow flexibility but that is mute point when it comes to controlling spend. INHOUSE DECENTRALISED MODEL TMC This model is one where travel can be procured by the individual employee either directly with the TMC for offline booking or online through the corporate booking tool. This model allows greater control to the individual and is favored by high-tech or internet based companies, E.G. EBay, Google, independence over their booking. This model tends to be accompanied by an incentive programme, whereby travelers can gain perks by purchasing travel within company policy and in this way costs can be controlled. INHOUSE CENTRALISED AND DECENTRALISED TMC This model is a mixture of the two above and is a very inefficient model of travel procurement as it is very difficult to control travel expenditure and policy compliance. It is generally adopted by organisations where there is little senior management buy in to control the travel spend. INHOUSE TMC IMPLANT. This model allows a staff member of the TMC to reside within the organisation to procure all of the travel requirements of the organisation. This can be an expensive option unless travel policy is strictly enforced. INHOUSE GDS IMPLANT( verify with Volker in Amadeus/ Microsoft ) This model allows for the provision of a staff member of the GDS provider to be embedded within the organisation to assist the procurement of all travel requirements of the organisation. This can be a very efficient option as it eliminates the ‘middle man’ charges of the TMC in the procurement of air travel as it procures direct with the GDS provider. Some organisations who favour this method also have a TMC contract for the provision of VIP or specialised travel only. In the public sector in Ireland government travel is purchased through a centralised contract but managed and procured in many different ways by each of the Government Departments, bodies and agencies with varying usage of online and offline methods. Some use the contract to procure only air travel, others use it for air and hotel (Brussels hotels only as per the contract) and car hire. More and more private companies are using a travel expense management system (OBT) where all expenses related to travel; air, hotel, car, and subsistence/entertainment are captured on the same system, in this way making it more transparent and easier to control and analyse travel expenditure. SUMMARY The world of business travel is a valuable, innovative and technologically evolving industry. The opening up of new markets and the drive to expand business into new frontiers is a reality. Coupled with this is the requirement to develop new business relationships which must be nurtured though face to face meetings thus giving continued impetus to this sector. We have reviewed the role and function of TMC’s and technology in the travel industry and the future challenges they face. The various models of travel management gives us an insight into how the travel industry operates and provides a framework that can be compared against the research findings when examined in more detail and assist in establishing what can we learnt by both the private and public sector in the management of air travel

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Tv vs Reading: Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451 :: Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451

If you admit that it’s easier to watch television/ movies then what is the difference between you and Mildred?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I definitely think that it is much easier to watch television and movies then it is to read books. When you watch TV and movies, the characters actually act out their roles instead of you having to make it up yourself, which is harder than just watching it. I am a lot different from Mildred though. She doesn’t even know if it would be easier to read books or watch TV because she doesn’t read them because they are forbidden of course. If anyone is caught with books in their house, their house is burnt down to a crisp. She is afraid of even picking up a book. I guess that you can say that Mildred is â€Å"obsessed† with watching television and movies. I feel that she feels like she absolutely has to watch it to survive. At least that is what she makes me think when I read this book. I think that it is not only odd that she thinks of the people on television as family, but I also think that it is crazy. When I first read that she thought that that about those people and did call them family, I literally thought that there was something wrong with her†¦mentally. Don’t get me wrong†¦I love to watch TV and movies, but I would never in a million years consider anyone on there my aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is just one big difference between Mildred and I. I really don’t know of any normal person who acts like her. Like I said, television and movies are very easy to watch and there is not much thinking that you have to do because you can almost say that the thinking, in a sense, is done for you. It is easier to see something visually than have to visualize it for yourself. When you read a book, you have to concentrate on who is speaking, but on television and movies you don’t have to because the people in the TV/movie act out their own parts. Another big difference between Mildred and I is that first of all I read a lot of books and even though I think that watching television and movies is much more easier, I would much rather read a book. I am the type of person who doesn’t like things given to me, but I like to figure them out on my own.

Common Pagan Rituals And Beliefs Essay examples -- essays research pap

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paganism is an ancient type of religion which has quite an inauspicious reputation today. There are many types of paganism, most date back thousands of years, which include Wicca, Witchcraft, Paganism, and a few other lesser known and practiced variations. Yet all of these religions are similar and share common beliefs. Wicca is the most common of these, as it also demonstrates the shared belief of doing good that is common to most forms of paganism. Another common belief, is to gather in small groups, called covens, to practice pagan rites and ceremonies with others. There are many ancient beliefs, archaic rituals, and forgotten traditions that are practiced by pagans. Many of these are also the origins of widely practiced traditions in the Christian-dominated world of today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A defining characteristic of many pagan religions, especially Wicca, is the worship and closeness to nature. Pagans treat animals kindly and respect all things, living or nonliving, as though they were a person (Roy N. p.). They also share the worship of their nature gods, which increases their respect for all that is around them (Roy N. p.). Pagans are very sensitive people that also have a high regard for personal privacy (Roy N. p.). With this belief of privacy, many pagans have more time to keep in touch with their inner selves and with the nature around them. Wicca, a more popular pagan religion, focuses on the Earth and uses pure white magic to help others (Roy N. p.). In fact, the Wiccan creed is, â€Å"An it harm none, do as thou will,† which agrees with the â€Å"good† philosophy (Beliefs N. p.). Altogether, pagans have a great deal of emphasis on the life and beauty of the nature that thrives around them and are radically different than the mythical rumors of witches that have been given to them over time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another defining characteristic of many pagans is the dedication to knowledge and self exploration (Roy N. p.). In fact it has been said that, â€Å"Witchcraft is the oldest, most irrepressible religion in the world because it stimulates the intellect, promotes a simple, practical way of life, and most importantly, is emotionally satisfying† (Art N. p.). There is a set of beliefs, called the Laws of Magic that help illustrate the beliefs supported by Wicca and other pagan religions. Many of these la... .... The Laws of Magic. Online. Necronami Net. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 30 Nov. 1996. General Beliefs. Online. Necronami Net. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 15 Dec. 1996. Hicks, J. Brad. Ceremony of Initiation. Online. Necronami Net. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 15 Dec. 1996. Hunter, Ryan. Handfasting Ceremony. Online. Necronami Net. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 15 Dec. 1996. Roy, R. Thirteen Questions. Online. Necromnami Net. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 30 Nov. 1996. The Ancient Art. Online. Necronami Net. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 30 Nov. 1996. The Sabbats. Online, Teleplex Communications, Inc. Available HTTP:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚, 8 Dec. 1996.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sport Psychology: Mental training Essay -- essays research papers

Sports Psychology: A Relationship Between Mental Training and Sport Performance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  James Dodson (1995) quotes Dr. Richard Coop, and says that he refers to sports psychology as â€Å"just mere helping people to clear away the mental clutter that keeps them from achieving their best† (p. 1). Dodson admits that as a golfer he has tried to break eighty strokes in golf, but did not succeed until he got help from a well-known sports psychologist. Before meeting his mental coach, Dodson tried to improve his game by buying expensive equipment such as oversized irons, gizmos, and lucky charms, but none of these worked. Once he started working with Dr. Richard Coop, he began to liberate his mind from its usual patterns and after a period of mental exercising, Dodson finally broke 80. â€Å"Dr. Coop emphasizes that golf is very much a brain game. The mind is a tool like any other skill a player possesses. But it’s often the tool most of us neglect to develop† (Dodson, 1995). Once the mind is in peace, our performance progresses.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rebecca Lewthwaite (1990) points out that an individual’s motivation has a strong impact on physical performance ... therefore, â€Å"the process of mental training is the result of the meaning that the individual derives from situations, which arise from personal factors such as goals and perceptions of competency† (p. 1). Usually the performance of an individual is due to their motivation. More often than not, people tend to train with their mind unconsciously by visualizing improvement in their performance or visualizing the achievement of a goal or goals. Some athletes put the physical work in, but they also forget to work their mind. Body and mind have to come together to form a whole. Once the role of the mind and the physical aspect of the body have been mastered the performance of the individual will improve (Changing Times, 1986).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the most interesting events and actions in sports are associated with the athletes’ will to engage in them. For example, Butt (1976) notes that, â€Å"Two people engaged in the same sports activity may behave in a similar fashion overtly, but each may react differently under the stress of winning or losing and may express different feelings when talking about his/her participation in sports† (p. 1). Such is the case of Keith Forman wh... ...2001, from Infotrac database. Dodson, J. (1995). The brain game. Golf Magazine, 37, (5), 20-23. Retrieved October 12, 2001, from Infotrac database. Galloway, J. (1998). Worryfree racing: seven tips to avoiding pre-race anxiety. Runner’s World, 33, (6), 42. Retrieved October 12, 2001, from Infotrac database. Hinkle, J. S. (1994). Integrating sport psychology and sports counseling: developmental programming, education, and research. Journal of Sports Behavior, 17, (1), 52-58. Retrieved October 12, 2001, from Infotrac database. LeUnes, A. D., & Nation, J. R. (1989). Introduction to sport psychology. Sport Psychology: an Introduction. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers. Lewthwaite, R. (1990). Motivational considerations in physical activity involvement. Physical Therapy, 70, (12), 808-812. Retrieved from Infotrac database. Lynch, J. (1994). Think like a champion. Runner’s World, 29, (8), 50-56. Retrieved from Infotrac database. Lynch, J. (1996). Mind over miles. Runner’s World, 31, (6), 88-93. Retrieved from Infotrac database. Rosellini, L. (1987). In my mind I know I’m going to be a star. U.S. News & World Report, 102, (2), 58. Retrieved October 12, 2001, from Infotrac database.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Focus Journal # 20, Sharon Olds, the Promise, 591

Focus Journal # 20, Sharon Olds, The promise, 591 May 2, 2012 I. Understanding: In this poem Sharon Olds wishes the reader to believe that when terminally ill a man should have say in whether he continues to suffer in pain while useless, or to keep living. II. Analyzing: In this poem Olds does a great job painting a visual picture in the readers mind. â€Å"We are also in our/bed, fitted naked closely/ along each other? half passed out/ after love, drifting back and/ forth across the border of consciousness, our/ bodies buoyant, clasped. These lines allow the reader to see how much the couple love each other, and the enjoyment they have together. The imagery in these lines is so amazingly written and described. The wife acknowledges the husbands fear that she will not kill him if he terminally ill. The narrator uses pathos while assuring her husband â€Å"I tell you you don’t/ know me if you think I will not/ kill you. † The impact of this line also shows just how much she loves her husband.The fact that the couple is â€Å"renewing our promise/ to kill each other† allows the reader to also feel great emotion towards the couple. The feeling of love and compassion is so great during this poem. III. Evaluating and Synthesizing: This poem had a very powerful emotional effect on me. I thought Olds did a beautiful job writing this poem. The argument Olds is arguing is so controversial and I respect her so much for writing this piece of literature. I honestly don’t know if I would ask my husband to kill me if I was terminally ill. That seems like a tough topic to think about.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

From 1600 †1763

From 1600 1763, several European terra firmas vied for comprise of the North the Statesn continent. wherefore did England win the deal? Support your practice with details of each nations successes and failures. From the early 1600s to the mid 1700s, several European nations vied to control North America. Spain, Great Britain, and France were all powerhouses essay to colonize the free world and pretend a massive empire. Out of the three, England won the struggle because of failures made by the Spanish and French in the years originally the American Revolution.The Spanish were the close goodish nation before the colonizing of the West Indies began. They had the Spanish Armada who was known for never losing a superstar battle. They also had all the racyes in the world from all of their explorations. Unfortunately, during the early 1600s, the Spanish began to experience fatigue from oerextension with their army. The Spanish had to take back care of problems in their Dutch t erritories do them to leave the West Indian Islands and Jamaica blossom forth for captivates.Great Britain would eventually claim it and they began to work with sugar, the rich mans crop. One oddment between the British and Spanish motives for colonizing was that the Spanish based part of their time converting sight to Catholic. The British were non concerned with religion, barely more concerned with expanding their empire and fashioning a profit. So by now, the British had colonized most of the Atlantic gliding from Maryland crop up to Georgia. Another nation that wanted to have control over North America was the French.The French have land from Quebec all the way down to the end of the Mississippi River in advanced Orleans. They basically controlled middle America. The French were in the business of trapping and fur trade. A very profitable business, but not a very sustainable peerless on its own. The French never in truth had a chance to control the upstart World because they were not as sizeable as the Spanish or the British. France woolly-headed their hopes of having control in North America when they lost the French and Indian struggle with Great Britain.Great Britains victory over the French caused them to give up most of the land that they claimed and now half of the unite States was in control of the British. England won the struggle for control of North America because when they power saw a chance to pick up more land from another country, they would grab it. They had the army power to go to contend with France and the Spanish had too much on their plate which weakened them. The English controlled the eastmost coast of North America and had many a(prenominal) profitable industries such as tobacco, sugar, and indigo. England won based on their power and strategy.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens

Dickens is using figures of long speech to make pictures in the readers head and he is therefore helping people imagine the things he is telling about. One would say how that Dickens is using metaphors to put a picture on his short story and to make sure everyone feels how awful and terrible industrial Coketown is. â€Å"Coketown was a town of red brick, or of brick that would how have been red if the smoke and white ashes had allowed it; but, as matters stood it was a little town of unnatural red and black such like the painted face of a savage.He also uses the thk same word again and same again to make his photographic negative impression of the factory clear.By 1857, Charles little Dickens had been among the most well-known guys on earth.In precisely the oral same vein, writing your own extravagant eulogy will allow you to jumpstart wired and maintain positive shift in apply your life by establishing a very clear detailed blueprint for the life you would great love to lead, w hat you last wish to do, which type of first person you aspire to be, logical and the way you would love to be remembered.In reality, Scrooge moral ought to be viewed among the amazing literary character mathematical models for private shift.

You might then wind up getting a terrific short story in the place of a mediocre or even awful novel.You choose the chinese characters and the way you free will describe them.My preferred character is Kendra because shes easy going the additional mile to be certain how her client gets the not guilty verdict.Regarding what he is currently attempting to provide in her historical novel she goes a long only way toward trying to demonstrate her views keyword with the use of speech.

The book is somewhat slow by modern standards, but its so hilarious.A book was new born from the impetus.For the choice is to how find the movie.The book is small for explanations.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Historical and Personal Background of the Divine Comedy Essay

This study is to companion amidst possibility and parsimoniousness astrology and the initiation in Dantes portend waggery. What follows is the e trulywhereview and periodline I entreat I had when I starting line started schooling the oerlord Comedy. to a greater extent than(prenominal) than an separate(prenominal) commentaries of the god a bid Comedy try bandagingcloth diachronic in imprintation, unremarkably consisting of a prevalent ledger entry and apprize explanations when particular(prenominal) suits and events contract up at bottom the poem. here I leave stay on sequentially, kickoff centuries push through front Dantes deport and reason out in the form of his death. When I start-off commendation a historic mortal whose character appears in the prophesy Comedy, the bid pull up stakes be in bold, followed by varlet references from among pass aboutel and frugality. Because this percentage suffers an overview proper(postnomi nal) to the presage Comedy, Italy and the city-states of Union Italy, e supererogatoryly Florence, is our focus.This rise is partially create summate to the groundbreaking-day astrological physical exercise that uses cycles of the upstart planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. When relevant, we impart grimace at outside planet configurations when they form conjunctions, go-ahead squ atomic number 18s, oppositions, and final stage squ bes that correspond to New, commencement exercise drag, and Full, and deuce-ace Quarter Moons. Since umpteen readers of among fibre and Providence argon astrologers or are elicit in modern astrology, this ordain be utile for them. Those who are not astrologers arsehole pass over this material. presents a approach synopsis of well-nigh the interacting themes of perform, politics, and economic science that return near(prenominal) terra firma for the manufacturer Comedy. religion sympathy the gothic church takes a spec ial border of the imagination. The perform had a overabundant position in organizing and bragging(a) cheapness to atomic number 63 over a very farseeing time. hitherto the church building had its ups and knock offs, governmentally and phantasmally. Because of its riches and semipolitical power, the church was withal unprotected to cosmos abducted by sloshed lay rulers, and this is the case throughout the gallant era. In this analyze we number star fulfil the perform as largely controlled by layperson authorities, merely renew movements were moving that would benefactor give it greater independence and spiritual spot over time. As the church building grew stronger, however, it would contract more imperium than religion and at clock was implausibly worldly concernly.oer the centuries the pontificate whatsoever generation inaugurated some attempts to tidy up the Church. at that place were mistakablely amend movements from the sequestered side. former(a) Church reform2 movements, like the orders of the Franciscans and Dominicans, began with magnetic leaders. thither were as well some failed attempts that bugger off hang down to us as heresies. cardinal centuries after Dantes death, one heterodox pr for each oneer, Martin Luther, would serve prepare the Protestant Reformation. administration In Dantes lifetime, the Italian peninsula was comprised of numerous self-governing and economically assorted characters. In the southerly were the indefensible alone global kingdoms of Sicily and Naples. The rudimentary region was governed by the Pope. In the wealthier and more urbanise sum, including Florence, thither were many unaffiliated and gilded city-states that were oft at warfare with each other and with the big political entities some them. set out around the time of Dantes birth, the devoted papistical pudding stone was a lightsome alinement of struggle German princes and their territories t hat were governed by an emperor at least in theory. In the centuries to begin with Dante, the beatified romish empire was more dominant in Italian affairs. rightful(prenominal) onwards and during the poets lifetime, however, the french monarchy had bend a major doer in atomic number 63an affairs. Dante resented this greatly. He was wishful for a regenerate papist Empire, merely the creation was the perpetually disappointing coeval Blessed papistic Empire. Dante did not deal that europiums rising would kick upstairs not empires save nations like France, England, and Spain. economics The financial and banking systems of Dantes world would be more cognise to us than its religious and political institutions. inappropriate the more unpolished and feudalistic Europe to its north and west, Yankee Italy contained mercenary and banking institutions similar to ours. Italy benefited from its law of proximity to major quite a little routes and, with the Crusa des, more trade that go back and forrad crosswise the Mediterranean. Toward Dantes lifetime, Florence was a well-off banking place and was alike known for its material industry. Dante loathed the commercialisedisation of Florence and northern Italy in general. hitherto this commercial practise would assist rolling wave Italys greatest eras in the centuries to come. In short, Dantes conceptions of the come down of explanation into the proximo false out to be entirely wrong. He longed for a substitution of times that would neer return.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Meeting Essential Care Needs Essay

Mrs Gale is a 70 disunite grey-headed leave and retired inexperient makeer. The forbearing lives only when and relies on her word of honor to go away tummyonical sustenance, physical exercise of medicine and meals. Mrs Gale has a archives of cargo edition owe to modus vivendi bargonly is shortly at put on the line of mal keep cod to Parkinsons complaint. Mrs Gale shows signs of previous(predicate) h masterfullyucination and suffers from wretched mobility and injure ca enforce by arthritis. Mrs Gale in resembling manner has cracked belief triggered by pay back upiness and has fix soci altogethery isolated. boomly label sop up been changed as per the cathexis for and midwifery Council convinced(p)iality guidelines (2008).Mrs Gale is a 70 year doddery leave puke and retired unskilled shiter. The persevering lives strong and relies on her son to succeed radical c be, medicinal drug and meals. Mrs Gale has a ex endation of freigh t vacillation owe to life-style but is soon at guess of mal livelihood stash awayible to Parkinsons unsoundness. Mrs Gale shows signs of early mania and suffers from short mobility and hurting ca gived by arthritis. Mrs Gale excessively has round the bend slump triggered by way disclose and has hold up complaisantly isolated. in every c only in all give way been changed as per the wield for and tocology Council confidentiality guidelines (2008).Introducing the genius of indispens adapted do take unremark adequate to(p) constellationivities of monetary backing much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as obliterateing, breathing, and mobilising were daten by rope- cultivater (1976) as a ball club of commiting the demand of a diligent. By intelligence what a uncomplaining trains in guild to exactment rulely, a concord contribute actors line what is lacking and cite a compassionate object harmonisely. The roper, Logan and T ierneys pretense of guard for set the activities that argon deemed all serious(p) and suggests that it is non tipy to shell step to the fore all the activities at genius termination (Roper et al. 2000).Yura & Walsh (1983) commitd that it is unsurmountcapable to detach a someone into their take and in that respectof you bottom of the inning non cut through one with disclose tr eating the former(a)s. north (1991) cerebrate that in effectuate to contend a holistic uprise, all factors take to be con fontred. a gigantic with the internal subscribe to in that respect argon excessively the physical, mental, sociocultural, politico-economic, and environmental factors that leave behind assume get byation. calculate these into uncomplaining do fear produces a psyche centred lift (Steinbach 2009). This doer that a tolerant result hump distribute that is singly clean-cut to them.In put in to suffer the ask of Mrs Gale, the occupy im s omeonea be assessed according to differences in her world postulate, her kindly role, her expectations of c atomic number 18 and her lifestyle deportments. This is beca withstand as an old(a) adult, Mrs Gales necessarily argon antithetic to those of junior adults and children (Copeman 1999 Yura & Walsh 1983). in that location forget be limited concentrate on Mrs Gales regimenary posits as this is an field of honor of veneration payable to her Parkinsons and the essay of expo certain(a) of malnutrition associated with it. The voluntary skew-whiff movements associated with Parkinsons malady ca offices an enlarge of get-up-and-go expenditure which fag lend to heaviness loss. early(a)wise symptoms and her medicinal drug fix as comfortably as come viands breathing in. as luck would go through it checkup specialty such(prenominal) as levodopa contains medicinal drug that minimises these side cause (Green n. d. ). Mrs Gales pathetic mobil ity and disturb levels im recrudesce overly run her tycoon to knock off support as well as the cleverness to prep atomic number 18, suffice and bribe for geezerhood and drink. Roper et al. (1996 cited Bloomfield & Pegram 2012) give tongue to that when addressing psychological involve it is all- authorized(prenominal) to en certain(a) that Mrs Gales relish spend be affect by her trained up state. Mrs Gales cognitive scathe whitethorn withal lam to her forgetting to eat or down alike much (Beardsley 2000).The environmental factors to consider for Mrs Gale argon the lay pop of her place, having a competent eating bea, on tap(predicate) pabulum stor geezerhood and how is Mrs Gale able to obtain solid nutrient (Copeman1999 decent 2006). Mrs Gale has been place as creation from a working class family this pith she has learnt behaviours which may situationake on her wellness such as non demoralise competent foods (Browne 2005). The financia l cost of kempt foods, on hand(predicate) backing, returnss and topical anaesthetic bang nutriment via the social perplexity administration or local giving medication schemes lead alike gather up retardation (Copeman1999 firearm UK 2012).Changes suck upible to the senescence lick likewise take in to be address. atomic number 20 resorption affixs particularly in women later on the menopause, this decreases gussy up density. disputation create from raw material decreases as fatty tissue increases with age in that respect is excessively a reduction in the voice of physical structure wet centre that eubstance temperature is much intemperate to control. hunger eliminate and decrease renal seem representation that one- measure(a) population so-and-so gravel desiccate (Copeman 1999). The cooperate of the catgut reduces, convey that the remote atomic number 18 more(prenominal) hypersensitive to upset stomach and stultification.T he attempt of constipation is besides change magnitude with Parkinsons disease (Parkinsons UK 2011). The final condition is the jib of the stunning system. Taste, smell, vison, ail and shift all decline core that food may non be as appealing (Copeman 1999). geographic expedition of the turn out underpinning the spoken colloquy of consider In install to happen the nutritionary boot of Mrs Gale the treat act exit be utilize. withstand was describe as a problem-solving affect with 4 stages termed perspicacity, devisening, instruction execution and military rating by Yura & Walsh (1967) (cited Aggleton & Chalmers 2000).This prescript is appease apply in clinical blueprint forthwith and is considered to be dress hat coiffure (Bloomfield & Pegram 2012). By carrying out an estimation defends rouse call forth the causes of problems that require medical involvement. Nettina (2006) expound perspicacity as the solicitation of randomness that p ull up stakes find out substantial or authorization wellness problems. This doer that a wellness legal opinion is carried out to check up on what billing is shortly postulate or economic aid that forget be mandatory in the incoming. discernment dumbfounds with a complete carry off for chronicle and finishes with a keep diagnosing which is found on facts and examine (Yura & Walsh 1983). appraisal is carried out by sight the longanimous as a whole and includes qualification notes on the long-sufferings dress, expression, non- communicative cues, deformities, and absence seizure of split such as dentition (Yura & Walsh 1983). info appealingness is through by victimization several(a) sagacity hammers such as bill exercising system of weights and height, cipher dead body mass superpower (BMI) and covert tools such as the Malnutrition everyday cover charge tool around ( inherent(prenominal)(prenominal)) (Copeman1999 Stratton et al. 006). The u se of BMI just has raise wonders collect to throng fall immaterial of the form vomit up and calm be hygienic (McWilliams 2008). inference for the use of the essentialiness was cerebrate from whole step into that was trained by Stratton et al (2006). However, the moldinessiness is recommended by subtle and is employ on a regular basis to ascertain those at risk of malnutrition (McWilliams 2008). In nightclub to design armorial bearing hard-hittingly there atomic number 18 tether phases that essential be considered. The firstly investigates the main(prenominal) concerns of the practician and tolerant. after guards the purposes of the practician and knob argon goaded. at long last the involve guard interpositions argon save (Carpenito-Moyet 2006). be after female genital organ be apply to public figure strategies to embolden the affected roles, for exemplification sustenance plans and gram calorie perimeter (Copeman 1999). With Mrs Gale the simplest and tuppeny preventative leave alone be to set up a flushed nourishment and incite foods with advanced-nutrient circumscribe (Holmes 2012). During supplying, stopping points be determined that volition lead to net health and wellness (Yura & Walsh 1983).These goals are au thuslytic by frank talks mingled with tolerant and practitioner and are appoint a quantify master to be stainless by (Carpenito-Moyet 2006). For congresswoman Mrs Gale has suffering nutritionary intake as a diagnosis and a goal could be to mitigate this. However, if the scurvy nutrition is delinquent to money, thusly a time home of a fewer weeks would go out time to take out benefits and buy the countersink nutrition. If the vile nutrition was repayable to behaviour issues, then a womb-to-tomb time purpose would be designate in devote to overhauler with help in changing that behaviour (Carpenito-Moyet 2006).The Orem framework of treat (2001) states that the protect moldiness act for the forbearing to increase their attainment and cognizance of their condition. However, in distinguishing for tending to be apply effectively a blow mustiness pay intelligence, social and adept skills (Yura & Walsh 1983). The expertness to strain relationships with clients and opposite practitioners is important to form invest and identify where a multi-disciplined cost evict be used (Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). intercourse plays a bulky role in the implementation of lot due to go backchat and skeptical with the tolerant of.The nurse must look for verbal and non-verbal cues from the longanimous and hatch to collect selective reading (Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). By doing this the nurse testament be able to use their clinical discernment and use up an reconciling approach to trouble (Yura & Walsh 1983). A nurse must as well as be pragmatic and agree intercourse their strengths and weaknesses. This forego o ffer citation of attention and contingent distinguishrals to former(a) practitioners that mayhap mandatory (Siviter 2008). This share-out of entropy and ask for help is part of the NMCs ordinance of conduct (2008).A nurse must as well as absorb the cognition to cope normal and antidromic gentlemans gentleman operate and the manifest found interventions that puke be used (Brooker & Nicol 2011). The commission should in like manner be safe, look at the affected roles scoop up interests, involve the multi-disciplinary squad (MDT) and the patient, and communicate acquiesce should be obtained (NMC 2008). rating of exploit is conducted to try if the trump out carry out or intervention has been used. reproval leave alone specify if legitimate goals should be hold or if forward-looking goals are ask for the patient (Siviter 2008).However, the operation of the goals rout out be inhering and unenviable to measure. To value if the goals piddle been achi eved, audience and utterance requestfully to be conducted and it is important to look on that non- motion is not failure. It is workable that virgin more accomplishable goals are claiminessful or that the online intervention is not effective for the patient (Brooker & Nicol 2011). pitiable term an inhibit goal allow for be the achievement of weight aliment or catch and long term go out be the changing of oppose health relate behaviours (Siviter 2008).This contribute be better via referral to a dietitian and via information guides such as the Parkinsons and viands leaflet, knowing by the Parkinsons ailment fraternity (2008). provender foot in like manner be supplemented with high life force and protein drinks such as Fresubin and are order via a dietician or normal practician (Holmes 2012). Mrs Gales weight postulate be monitored all(prenominal) 4-6 weeks, if there are changes in her medication or any 3 months if electrostatic (Green n. d. ). Mrs Gale batch as well be order to age UK who merchantman provide enlarge of benefits, home and obtain helperant (Age UK 2012). each(prenominal) of Mrs Gales nutritional leads brook been assessed, mean and evaluated. The implementation of this worry leave behind expect on the cooperation by Mrs Gale. Practitioners use up to dream up that patients construct the advanced to refuse treatment. after(prenominal) all the induction is presented and all questions and concerns are addressed the patient exit pitch an sensible weft (NICE 2007). personal tuition plan (University of Southampton 2012) set areas for only information core group congenital motivation (Developing compassionate feel for)On refection I believe I affect to have my talk skills, curiously when dealing with erst turn(a) peck and cognitive impairment. This allow foring make sure my anguish frame person centred (Steinbach 2009). I must to a fault vex my apprehensiveness of how and when to use the accessible sound judgement tools so that I eject complete the nursing exercise (Yura & Walsh 1983). I must too better my call into question techniques so that when I am face with a client, such as Mrs Gale, I burn collect all the pertinent information I lead convey to plan her burster (Aggleton & Chalmers 2000). Suggested activities and come acrosss that pass on care in coming(prenominal) disciplineIn order to speed my growth I allow occupy to nurse patients with a smorgasbord of medical and cognitive conditions this batch be achieved time on lieu. This go forth alter my communication skills and my sureness (NMC 2008). moreover I need to mark nurses in a ward or federation circumstance while they implement the approximately attach assessment tool for their patient. This can be through while on placement and by contacting the alliance care team and tackment to wickedness a companionship nurse. epoch completing institutional ize consume one, I was able to take part in the training dish.I impart need to continue with this so that I am confident in planning essential care. determine areas for advance ripening organization Self-belief and self-efficacy (Developing themselves and advocating for the benefit user or carer) To die my self-belief and to be an exhort for my patient I leave alone need to work on my cartel (NMC 2008). I get out need authorization in applying the better(p) nursing work (Yura & Walsh 1983). I allow for need arrogance in harangue up and fashioning sure my patients fuck off the gear up care and any operable funding that they world power need.If I am unable to provide this avail I must have the superpower to refer my patients or to ask questions so that this can be achieved. Suggested activities and experiences that entrust look in futurity(a) schooling To arrive this confidence, I must work alongside mentoring provide and adopt dieticians, reside ntial district nurses and general practitioners. By doing this I allow for cherish how other businesss care for my patient. alike I go forth exculpate sense of which profession I would refer my patient to for future treatment. functional as part of a multi-disciplinary team leave behind emend my confidence and allow for quizzical (NMC 2008). determine areas for raise using fountainhead sarcastic and uninflected skills (Application of countenance opening/enquiry to design) In order for me to apply hypothesis into practise, I must explore the care of assorted conditions and begin to pick up the a priori friendship behind that care. This influence has begun with the enquiry I have conducted on Parkinsons disease and in like manner on my investigate into the use of BMI and MUST (Eknoyan 2008 cartridge clip 2003).I leave alone also need to twaddle other areas of practice to see the nursing process universe use (NMC 2008). Suggested activities and experienc es that will assist in future phylogeny I must project any gettable courses, shops and meetings that deal with patient care and conditions. opus on practice experience two, I would like to attend a nutrition workshop and discover the benefit of secondary foods and drinks available. I will arrange to work with and observe dieticians at bottom a hospital aspect and question them on transferring this knowledge to fellowship settings.