Friday, October 4, 2019

Project Team performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Project Team performance - Essay Example As a result, the employee mix in many organizations is comprised of a wider age range than a decade ago. The multigenerational team has always existed in one way or another, but of late project performance has tended to suffer because of erroneous perceptions concerning the conduct of team members. The challenge to management (and the aim of this essay) is to understand and appreciate the various generational behaviours and values, in order to plan how managers may realize the intended project synergy. Understanding the Generations Present realities in the workplace have generated interest in various issues which have until recently been rarely heard of: i.e., differences in perception among generations, familiarity with new technologies, behaviour with regard to authority, and divergence in the use of written and oral language. There has been much debate concerning the existence of intergenerational differences, if such are truly significant to merit particular attention, or if the perceived differences are merely misconceptions caused by stereotyping. For forward looking managers, success may be achieved only in a work environment that supports the different generational concerns and work styles (Manhertz, 2009, p. 2). Many organizations throughout the world have realized that their staff may be categorized into four distinct generations, namely: Generation Y (Manhertz, 2009) or Nexters (Durkin in BHM, 2004), 29 years old and under; Generation X (Manhertz) or Xers (Durkin), 30 to 44 years old; Baby Boomers (both Manhertz and Durkin), 45 to 63 years old; and Traditionalists (Manhertz; Buahene & Kovary, 2007), Veterans (Durkin), or Mature (Morlan & Gelbtuch), 64 years old and over. To each of these groups are associated certain attributes which, barring stereotyping, appear to characterize the individuals belonging to them because of their psycho-social development and the unique history of their generation. This is because human beings form a set of insight, i ntuition, and knowledge in relation to sensory stimuli that exist at the particular time and place. Persons belonging to the same generation will generally be exposed to the same environmental stimuli and may therefore form, to some extent, the same set of attributes (Bell, 2008). For instance, Nexters believe that hard work and goal orientation lead to the realization of their dreams; thus, they work best with leaders who are highly goal-oriented. For Nexters, managers should be sure to definitively articulate their goals, both personally and those of the organization. Nexters need to have a clear image of their role in the team and the firm. The next group, Xers, form the majority of the work force and are beginning to assume the reins of management from the Baby Boomers. They are adept, resourceful and clever, sufficiently versed in the new technology and combining it with their growing work knowledge. According to Durkin (BMH, 2004), Xers â€Å"seek instant gratification and ha ve a huge need to succeed, while at the same time striving for a balance in life and work. This generation works to live instead of living to work.†

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